Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What the heck???

Nicki's last post indicated that the pace has picked up a notch. There are many notches left to go until that pink hair hits the floor. Nicki and I will spend the next 5 weeks in the hamster wheel. Once in motion, it's hard to get off unless you fall out. Mid April I'm thinkin....
Today I broke 3 major resolutions at once. Lindor melting in the cheek, Timmies in the cup holder whilst I chat on the phone on route to my next meeting. Good thing I caught myself, 4 hours after the fact.
I am officially twitching. Was out shopping for Ephedra, Memory FX and St. John's wort and felt the ground shake like a jackhammer (had to do the math.... only 2010.... pfew.....) Then my van started shaking (mud in the tire??), then again in my office (that was actually the water bottle I somehow threw in the dryer). My point - I twitch, Nicki twitch. What the heck?
Today I dealt with merch..... again.
Merchandise is an area that one would not realize to be somewhat crazy. Thats an understatement. I deal with 2 areas.
First area is a donation.
Unicon Concrete generously donates our 400+ t-shirts to all volunteers (also our toques and baseball hats). There are various groups of volunteers in various sizes from child - adult XXXL. Each group gets a different shirt and Tammy has to make a somewhat educated guess as to numbers and correlating sizes. If I am off, it will be Nicki's fault because she will not let me have coffee.
I have changed this order 8 times and our merch rep Lise still talks to me. She just smiles politely and nods.
The second group of merch is purchased by an outstanding captain (who's bald head with the peace symbol graces our home page).
I take the summer to determine what we need, try to guess what we will sell (on advise of my 2 captains) and how much, go over it all with Tina to meet her approval, then beg for lowest prices. When the multiple negotiations and purchases are over I am sure that Sparks will delete me from their contact list and block my number. I literally spent 2 months sniffing water bottles just to find the safest one, wore the apparel, tested the durability of the bags and so forth. God love 'em, they have been oh so accommodating. It's necessary that we can sell our merch at bottom low prices (thank you Blair and Leanne). My angle here is not to soak our participants, but to provide affordable memorabilia to them.
It will be interesting what tomorrow will bring.... at the very least, enough emails and phone calls to shock our nervous systems.

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