Friday, January 29, 2010

McDonald's supports MacDonald's

I am dedicating my blog to one of our sponsors - McDonald's..... more importantly Jaime Caza.
Jaime is the community relations representative, and the very reason we have this level of support from 29 corporate restaurants.
I met Jaime in 2006 when I was looking for food to feed our volunteers for our Guinness Event at WEM.
Jaime was a "sponsor" for the first year... until she became friend. I typically like to get to know our sponsors on a personal level because there is a human side to this, not just money.
I liked Jaime and enjoyed a coffee here and there until coffees turned into breakfasts, which turned into birthday parties, special invites, exchange of personal info, and frequent check-ins by phone or facebook.
Last year Gord and I believed Jaime may qualify as a wish mom. Being the humble soul she is, she had difficulty getting her head around this idea - not to mention this is a slap in the face when you realize and have to say out loud that your child has a life threatening illness. Anyone that has ever met Jaime's daughter would never guess - she hides things as well as her mother. This child has some spunk and a keen sense of humor. I am proud of the fact that Jaime allowed her to be my wish child. The Kaza family was well taken care of by Make-A-Wish, and someone special spent some time in Atlantis with Joe Jonas. I believe she now refers to herself as "Mrs. Jonas".
The woman that gives so much has a difficult time receiving (as I said she is very humble...).
She is always thinking of others.
Not only has Jaime made it possible to feed my growing number of volunteers and events, but she made it possible for the restaurants to sell Kali Bears. This is huge! Last year 16,000 bears were sold for us - all profit. They are doing it again, with more enthusiasm than ever! Kali and I have met with the managers. Kali thanked them all for selling her. They are great people.
Jaime has shared her support from McDonalds, her ideas, her morale support , and her friends. This woman has great friends. I am privileged to be accepted into the pack, so her peeps have become my peeps. Like hangs with like, so it all works.
Let me just add that these guys know how to party! What a fun group of people!!
Christie hangs on a banner, so I see her often. I call her "Flat Christie". She goes to every event.
I hear from Christie daily. She is now an avid supporter of Tammy and Massacure. She also loves tuning me in, and not afraid to tell me how much she cares... or where to go.
Christie has in tow a Ginger - thats her sister. Another proud supporter.
I have more wonderful relationships with most of our "sponsors" that have become personal friends.
I truly feel blessed.

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