Hi folks, for those of you who may not have seen the global coverage on Tory, the link is below.
Su-Ling (from Global), who has become my friend as a result of our wacky event was the first person I thought of to call when I received the news that our Tory was going to donate her hair again.
Tory once attended the infamous Gibbons Schools (4 years of supporting the Massacure - $150,000). Tory also participated with us back in 06 at our Guinness event when she donated her beautiful pale blonde locks.
Admittedly, her first experience with our Hair Massacre was not a positive one, as she was mistreated by a horrible hair stylist that caused her to leave our event in tears and a hack job. To my surprise this did not keep Tory away.
Months after participating with us, Tory fell victim to the very thing she fundraised for - cancer. (Leukaemia (AML). She was placed into a drug induced coma for 3 months and had to relearn all of her primary skills (walking, talking, eating). This is where I had the privilege of meeting Tory and getting to know her. Her parents were kind enough to allow me to visit, so my
first introduction to Tory was in ICU and she was asleep in her coma. The next visit again, unresponsive. Third times a charm - Tory moved her left leg (which was huge considering she had a stroke on the left side). It was a very emotional turn of events watching her mom respond to this progress. She did recognize me that day, (Kali especially) and I will never forget how her eyes twinkled when she saw her. As we left, she managed to move the fingers on her right hand enough to resemble a wave good bye. I felt me eyes well up and turned so she could not see how this had impacted me. Now, I guess she and I would just laugh about this because we both take great delight in bantering back and forth. I'll get into that in a bit...
In 2007 (January) we decided to bring a pinking event into the Stollery Hospital. All were invited to attend - kids (patients) and staff. A number of children from Oncology came to have a pink streak placed into their hair, or in some cases, painted onto their heads. Tory was among them.
She was still unable to move or talk but she was definitely there in spirit! My daughter Meagan had the honor of pinking her few remaining locks as she lay in her gurney.
Another precious moment that fuels me when I get overwhelmed with this event, I think of times like that.
By summer, Tory was able to get out of her wheel chair. I received a phone call from the Make-A-Wish office that our girl had stepped out to show them her legs. That gave Tammy cause for a phone call.
I had been newly involved with the owners of Third Street Beat (Luke and Mark) and was invited to help out with the Santas Kids benefit concert. Luke wanted young cancer survivors for his opening act, so I found some. Tory for some reason struck me (even though she was barely walking). Her initial response to my ask was "Are you crazy!!". My reply was "Suck it up Tory - you used to dance!". She agreed and by the second month of weekly practices, Tory was not only running, but jumping. Truly miraculous!!
Tory and I have this relationship where we banter as I mentioned earlier. If I had one word to describe this girl, I would have to say "Attitude". This is a good thing, as attitude is how we look at life and how we respond to it. Tory also has the "other kind of attitude" - the kind that drives parents and teachers to drink. Thats what I love best about her! All kidding aside, Tory is a sweetheart and one of several cancer kids that are heavily involved with us and support this event whole heartedly.
We are blessed to know her, (even if she wants me to convince her mom to let her pierce her belly button).
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