Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Xmas times

I think this nice gentleman must have read my last blog before the incident at the theatre last night. 6 people in the theatre - I mistook him for my daughter. Simple mistake, it was dark, I was enthralled with the flic. He didn't seem to mind having me snuggle in for 10 minutes, nor did his lovely wife. He even spoke nicely to me after I made off with his jacket.
The man in the suit that I hoofed in the forbidden place with the back of my heel seemed nice too. His colour returned quickly and to my knowledge - no hard feelings.
Gotta love the holidays. Now I feel bad about my last blog, posing concerns about tolerance and kindness.
At the Stollery yesterday, Tyler (last years project coordinator) gave me a beautiful plastic purple unicorn keychain. It was sealed in a crunchy plastic baggy so I think it was expensive. Nicki gifted our entire family with homemade mittens (with the string) - think she knows I would loose mine, or maybe the string is helpful in case Fred eats one? Thoughtful - yes?
The Stollery staff is really very nice and I quite enjoy my visits there. I bring cookies. Yesterday I left with a big bow - I guess that was to offer subliminal messages that I needed to be unwrapped. You can hear them from afar - its the laughing and its wonderful. They are a fun group.
My drive home was nice too - folks offering me sign language alluding to the fact that I am still number one. I drove extra slow, so maybe this was appreciated. Christmas only 2 days away, I am feeling the spirit hit me. Lets find out what Nicki feels about Christmas....

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