For all of you avid country music fans out there (like myself), you may soon hear CISN's promotion of the Hair Massacure, or if you are a CISN member - you will receive an email with an announcement. Yay!!!
CISN has been promoting our event since our World Record Attempt in 2006, which has helped our cause immensely. In 2008, Chris Sheetz (Program Director) surprised me with an exciting idea - An incentive concert to the school with the highest level of participation (this was based on numbers involved and total raised). He really wanted to focus on schools, as the involvement of the kids is very near to his heart.
Along with the ongoing weeks of radio promotion provided and DJ involvement (Ian Sterling and Mike McGuire), Chris Sheetz miraculously managed to tag both Johnny Reid and Emerson Drive to provide the entertainment for our winning schools.
I still get goosebumps when I think about how we became so lucky.
This all started through an answered email from this desperate mom who wanted exposure from this radio station one week prior to our 06 event. Back then I was still driving a school bus part time and heard (on route) Ian Sterling live talking about this "Tammy MacDonald" person and if anyone knew her, to please help them reach me as they lost my contact info. Took a second to register...... scrambled for the cell phone, but had difficulty reaching them because their line was flooded with calls of people who apparently knew me (times have changed....)
Ian (who was replaced by Mike McGuire the following year) pinked his hair and set two feet in.
His promotion was so heartfelt - a few months later I received news from Chris that Ian was diagnosed with Leukemia. There were two "Proud Victims" that year that were, after participating with us. I am happy to say that Ian is currently finished his treatment and doing very well as a radio DJ in London, Ontario.
Our 09 event was heavily promoted by the infamous Mike McGuire. Last February, my daughter Meagan and myself had the honour of pinking his mop live in studio, along with Dr. Basch (our lead researcher for the program we are funding). Anyone that knows Mike, knows this man is compassionate AND crazy.
Later that day, Chris Sheetz mc'd an Oiler's shave at Make-A-Wish with Ethan Moreau and Ales Hemsky.
I am throughly grateful for media, particularly those promoters that have heart and respect the grass roots of our wacky event.
On behalf of our family and our event, our hats (toques) off to CISN for the wonderful sponsorship as platinum sponsors. Keep on CISN....
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