Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Just put some lemon juice on it… that’ll make it feel better.

I love pledge packages. I think that they’re amazing. You get everything in one tidy envelope and can go. GO OUT AND FUNDRAISE! It’s awesome. Putting the pledge packages together though…. not so great. Not so lovable.

Since Friday evening, I have been doing nothing else than stuffing envelopes full of pledge packages. This week, I come home from work, and stuff. The action isn’t so bad – I get to put on a movie and do mindless work for a few hours until I’m ready to go to sleep. Saturday I even fell asleep with an envelope in one hand and a pledge package in the other. This had nothing to do with the bottle of wine I had just consumed… really! Point of the story - my fingers are full of paper cuts. Lots of paper cuts. Lots and lots and lots of paper cuts.

Let me tell you how to be on time for work; have enough paper cuts on your hands that for the 38 seconds that you have to rub in your shampoo, your fingers burn like no one’s business. Showers are quicker, hence, being on time. This could be the way of the future! Or not…

So, fellow Massacurians, this is what your team does for you. In years past, the MacDonald family has felt the wrath of paper, and this year, it was my turn. We don’t do this for the glory or the high you get with a large amount of blood loss. We do it for little Johnny who raises $48.39. We do it for little Suzie who raises $6000. We do it for the construction workers who raise over $40,000. We do it for the survivors, and for those who didn’t make it. We do it for you. And we are proud to do it for you.

My fingers may hurt for the next week (and again in January when I have to do another 1000), you may get a pledge package with some extra colour to it (it’s ok. blood doesn’t come off), but the difference we make in the lives of a child (even if it is a rather old one.. dad….) is worth it all.

Happy Pledging!

xx Nicki

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