Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Christmas updates
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
When Kailey got her wish!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Praying for Taylor
Friday, December 23, 2011
Jaime's Gadgets
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
What I REALLY want for Christmas
We put so much pressure on ourselves to do more, buy more, be more at this time of year, don't we? Why is that? Truth be told most of us have everything we need. Friends and family ask "What do your kids/you want/need for Christmas?" in genuine hopes of fulfilling wishes. The honest answer would usually be "Nothing". Yes, maybe we could do with a new pair of slippers (mine are actually my crocs) or a new waffle iron (cause I really like waffles) or a new... wait - I can't say more in case my kids read this! But my point is we actually don't need more stuff.
What I'd really like this Christmas is the ability to slow down, unplug from technology, and just be in the moment. I'd like to watch the excitement in my son's eyes when he opens the BIG box behind the tree from his Nana instead of rushing to clean up the paper. I'd like to linger in the moment when my daughter sees the thoughtfully chosen gift from her brother. And I'd like to savour the laughter that I know is going to come when my honey opens the little-bitty box in the corner.
What I often lack is the ability to stop thinking. Stop planning. Stop evaluating. I wish I could just "be". Maybe it's a learned thing. And I'm really trying to learn it. My goal this year is to slow down and not let the little pressures get to me so much. Working at HM, you'd think I would have automatically grown more able to appreciate the little things - considering the families we meet are struggling with such heart-wrenching situations. Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate small victories (mine are often associated with finishing a document or solving a process-related problem). I just wonder why all these pressures still get to me when I should be more grateful for all I have and what goes right.
So, my wish for all of us this Christmas is that we do some of the things we talk about. Hug more, smile more, worry less, slow down and be in the moment. Remember the line that says "Life isn't about the breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away". I wish you LOTS of those moments.
Merry Christmas,
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Take it all in
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Climbing out of Christmas despair
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Goin' to Grande Prairie
A helpful volunteer
OK before you start rolling your eyes THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEERS (though that will come in January...).
I'm actually pondering this because across my desk earlier this week came a volunteer application from the spouse of a long-time supporter of HM. The application said she'd like to help pre-and post-event. She's apparently got great admin and organizational skills (which means I already like her and we haven't even met yet). In essence, this amazing woman is saying "What can I do to help you?" just like that. No strings attached - because there are no perks to volunteering in the office. No dilly bars, no chance encounters with celebrities, and not even any pink hair... yet. So, it got me to thinking about how small acts of kindness can make such a difference to another person.
Of course, at this time of year lots of people are thinking they should do more, be more appreciative, and show others compassion. But you know, I get the impression she's just that kind of person and it has nothing to do with the "season".
I've worked with a lot of volunteers in my lifetime. Some do it for the perks. Some do it because it's the "cool" thing to do at a high-profile event. Some do it to get credit at school. Some do it because their companies pay them to volunteer. Some do it so they can teach their children the value of giving to others. Many have come to the realization that sometimes their time really is more valuable to someone than just their money.
So, I am very much looking forward to meeting Sherry this afternoon. I am already grateful for her generous offer of time and an extra pair of hands. I just hope she can count... we'll be doing LOTS of that :)
Thursday, December 1, 2011
These days the office (and by that I mean the phone, the email, the texting, meetings, running around) is buzzing. Literally. There are days when I don't think any of us stop to catch our breath. I suspect there are days when we forget to eat/drink/pee... Never mind - that's probably too much information :) I know for a fact there is some thumb-sucking going on in some houses these days.
We are frantically trying to learn the world of social media so we can keep up with Twitter and Facebook. Insert sarcastic "thanks Carmelle" here.There are some of us who don't quite like Twitter yet (me) but I am trying. This old dog can learn new tricks, she just isn't happy about it. Hey - maybe FRED should tweet for me! Some others are pretty good at it (Jaime) and some of us are afraid (Jaime and I) of what the other (Tammy) might tweet about! Follow us @hairmassacure to see if anything embarrasing gets said. Bets anyone?
So, I guess what I'm getting at is this: it's only December 1 and we already have 100 registered particiapnts, 16 teams, just over $10,000 raised, and we're just starting to hit the schools. This 10th Anniversary year is shaping up to be a pretty incredible machine.
If we can keep up with it, that is...
By the way, now that it's December, I can turn on my Christmas lights, right? YAY!!
Happy thoughts everyone!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Hair Massacure crazies

Sunday, November 20, 2011
Coffee spills
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Saying farewell to a committed Proud Victim

This weekend we said goodbye to our friend of 9 years - Marlies (better known as the "Telus Queen). Marlies is moving back to the Netherlands and we will miss her.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Hoofin' in in the malls
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Bring your Kid to Work Day
- I would probably explode if I had an office job. There is not enough space... I need room to spread out and think
- FRED looks funny when Tammy puts his fur in a ponytail
- Meetings make my head hurt
- Who knew dogs (FRED) could actually burp?
- My mom needs a new computer so she can get her work done instead of waiting... and waiting... and waiting...
- I wish Take Your Kid to Work Day had happened on Massacure day - it's a lot more fun than being in the office
I did feel for the kids; after all it's not all that exciting to sit in meetings that don't concern you (though mini chocolate bars did help), or looking at documents all afternoon. The good thing is that they do have a unique perspective and it was great to see that they do have some critical thinking skills.
I am glad my kid came to work with me - her whole life she has come to events with me, but has never actually seen the "other side" of it - it's not all fun and games and there is a lot of planning involved with events. So, all in all, while she may not be destined for an office job, at least she can say she understands mine a bit more tonight.
I'd be interested to hear Tyler's thoughts on the day - they were headed to a meeting with a sponsor who also had his kid with him today. I wonder how they did?
And on that note, I'd like to thank the teachers for forcing our kids into what we condescendingly call "the real world", and I will thank Tammy, Cathy, Paul, Bryce, Carmelle, and all the other people who welcomed grade nine's into their workday today. It was a neat experience :)
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Hello Everyone from your new Project Manager
Hello Fellow Massacure Lovers!!!!
My name is Jaime Caza and I have recently joined the Massacure team as the new Project Manager. I am very excited to meet all of you! Although I have been around the Massacure for several years now and consider many of you really good friends! I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little about myself. I am married to my best friend Mike who I met when I was only 16, we have been together ever since. We are parents of three children, two dogs and one fish. My son Tyler is 14 , my daughter Kailey is 11, and our youngest daughter Sydney is 10. Our two dogs are Lisa, she is a 14 yr old retired greyhound, and Buddy our 4 yr old golden retriever, the fish.... has no name. I have been so blessed with a wonderfully supportive family and many very good friends. My favourite colour is purple and you will see me in this colour often (of course pink is a runner-up). I love McDonald's coffee (two milks thanks!) and I have not yet met a potato chip that I won't enjoy. I am not ashamed to admit that I am a "Twilight" fanatic and Taylor Swift's biggest fan.
Most importantly, I am so excited to join the Hair Massacure team and I can't wait to see you all at the event as we work towards the goal of this 10th Anniversary event being the biggest yet!
I would like to share my story of the first time I experienced the Hair Massacure. It was 2006 and I was working for McDonald's as the Community Relations Representative. We sponsored this event by providing some food for the volunteers and I wanted to go to the mall and check out the event. We had banners and many other obligations to meet regarding the event organizers and McDonald's. I was waiting for the kick off to begin and I was not sure what to expect. That is when I saw something so profoundly amazing happening, I knew INSTANTLY that this event would change me. This was the best I had ever seen . What I saw was hundreds of children supporting other children who were battling Cancer. This was such a beautiful way to help each and it took my breath away. Hundreds of pink haired children marched proudly towards the staging area ready to shave it all off. Boys and girls with long locks of hair , their teacher's and parents all pinked out and preparing to follow through on their commitment. I just couldn't believe they were shaving heads! It was fantastic! In unity they began, girls were braiding their hair to donate. The beautiful locks of blonde and brown hair would soon be wigs for children suffering with hair loss. What impacted me the most was all the pink heads and proud little faces. The school was bursting with energy and pride as they had raised an enormous amount of money to benefit charities. I knew on a personal level that I was joining in some how and I still thank God for that day.
How would I know then that this would eventually lead me down this path. I can assure you this impacted me to my core. Those adorable kids were not able remove their friends pain or help ease the sickness but, they WERE able to represent what cancer cannot achieve, no matter how strong it is … THE JOY OF BEING LOVED. That day during the Hair Massacure THE KIDS WON!
I am a Stollery frequent flyer Mom, I am Wish Mom and I have been first hand witness to what Ronald McDonald House does to help their families. My daughter has been a recipient for the charities and that gives me a first hand understanding of how important these charities are and a hunger to serve and build this event to its highest potential. Thank you to Tammy and Brandi who have really opened up their arms and embraced me. A special call out to Brandi who now has another ADHD brain to work with! HERE WE GO!
Friday, October 28, 2011
The cat
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
2012 Promo video
Monday, October 24, 2011
Some Ritalin with my coffee please?
Monday, October 10, 2011
Getting going
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Moes Poker / Bike Rally
New to our team
Sunday, August 21, 2011