Today Nicki and I went out to Edmonton Christian school to take in their in-school shave.
I was so excited to see my Wish Child there (who apparently attends this school), as well the young man and his Dad who introduced the concept of a Massacure to the school.
This young man (and my wish child) are "disabled" (at least that is how the uneducated person would refer to). He requires a wheel chair, his legs are impaired. His speech is impaired. Yet he inspired and educated an entire school. There are others that lack desire to inspire, incapable of paying it forward, leave little no no positive impact on others. Theoretically, should they not be referred to as disabled instead? Made me think....
We soaked up the big smiles and squeals of excitement coming from these tw0. The young man in the wheelchair with a 5 o'clock shadow on his head (from the event), clutching a scrapbook of his accomplishments his mom made for him. He was all to eager to point to pictures of his pink shave with dad.
My wish child (also a teen) took a turn at shaving a teachers head. He was stoked to be a part of that! Sat down next to me after, (nice and snuggly) and I felt a hint of a hand at the small of my back. Melt.
7 staff members shaved at this school and a few students. $4,400 went back with us to Make-A-Wish. Thank you Edmonton Christian.
As I've said before, money counting not my forte. I did my part though while Nicki threw pen lids at me. It was relatively quite at the office today (at least after Paul Liimatainen from K3 For the Kids left).
Paul brought in the remainder of the money that his group raised. $54,000. Oh, and I guess there is another 10,000 that is yet to come. This brings this team up to over 85,000! This team is from the Keephills plant and started fundraising for Massacure 3 years ago. One of their brilliant ideas was that the plant purchased 150 pink hard hats for the Massacure. Participants could rent them out for one month for 100.00 and get a tax receipt.
Under the hat, there is still the encouragement for the fundraising (Pink hair that will be shaved off). The hats are returned and used for the following year. Pledges within this group start at 25.00 (for that tax receipt). Many donations are 100 +.
Is this because there is disposable money within the group? Partly.
Could the donations also be a result of the type of ask? There is certainly a lot of passion here and to a construction worker, its a big deal to wear a pink and with pink hair underneath, so the ask is prioritized. A 5.00 pledge says that their sacrifice is only worth the price of a latte. Think not....
Paul has a real soft spot for the cause, for Kali and the fact that he is a proud grandpa is a reflection of his dedication and enthusiasm. Thank you Paul, Linda and K3 for the Kids!
$15,000 from George P Nicholson rolled in minutes after I left. Wow!! This is a repeat school and I am touched that they continue to think of us! Thanks guys!! Closer to the magic number....
As I mentioned, it was fairly quiet at the post drop so we mostly visited and it was awesome.
Nicki and I did not know what to do with ourselves so this is why she threw pen lids at me, and I shot elastic bands at her. Gord and Steve provided the male energy (mostly the cheering for the hockey game). I skipped out early to end my evening with Christie (my captain), Jaime (captain) and peeps at her birthday. My belly already full of Starbucks chocolate covered pretzels - I just hung and marvelled at how amazing this woman looks bald. 42 years old - she looks 35!
Happy non birthday Christie.
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