This post I'm gonna cover Entertainment.
In 2007 it had occurred to me that entertainment would enhance a headshave, so I introduced the concept and it worked! That year I invited Wayne Lee (who hypnotized the crowds, and some of my stylists and volunteers), Third Street Beat (3SB - Hip Hop that would BLOW your mind) and Bernard Quillala - one incredible Canadian Idol - both are still performing for us, and a variety of highly talented kids from Visionary College in St.Albert.
We are now filled with 12 hours of outstanding local entertainment (with the exception of CMA winner Jessie Farrell last year).
The whole plan in my head was to have a really BIG SHOW, non stop action that would attract folks to come on down and take it all in.
This year our feature act was Quanteisha, a local rising star that is frequently played on the Bounce, as well as across Canada. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCHyMcVMkno
Bernard Quilala opened for us with "Reach Out" a song that was written specific for the Massacure in 08, and his talented young singers in tow.
The return of 3SB and the Shadow Twins and Jonek (interactive Hip Hop and Rap) are is always huge crowd pleasers! Check out Hip "Hop for Hope" (a benefit for the Stollery) sometime, as well as "Shadow Twins".
New to the event this year was our dance school (Dance Connection). Asha Tomlinson (morning anchor from City TV) is a our hip hop teacher and Miss Nicole (the owner and teacher) teaches Kyrsti.
I am a working progress, but agreed to dance our routine at the Massacure inside a pink bear.
It was great -no phone and no bugging for a good 20 minutes!
Kyrsti did her routine with Asha - sweeeeeet!! My goal is to one day perform outside of a bear and not look like Elaine off Seinfeld. I try to convince myself that Kyrsti gets this from me, but then I think of Dirty Dancing and stop myself.
A performance of cheerleaders that are very well managed by 2 of our captains (Melynda and Shauna) - very impressive there 2 ladies!
Next was the return of Coaster 44. This is Gord's band. They were the last performance and really very good! Gord performed with his parted mohawk, and that was cool and everything but I refrained from throwing my Haynes Her Ways at him. Gord's been performing since his teens and has passed his musical ability onto Kyrsti and Kali.
Speaking of.. they too performed for the 3rd year with Kyrsti's peeps (Shayla, Alyssa and Emily). Practises at my house sure paid off!
Kent Wong came back with more interactive magic (levitation and such). His act is sweet, has trained and performed with Chris Angel in vegas. Kent did a rush wish for me last year and performed for a boy who received a brand new set of lungs!
Visionary College came back with more exceptional talent - its great to showcase our local talent, one never knows where they will end up and they are damn good!
Next was Harman B and DJ Quake from the Bounce! That was pretty cool having them come out (on Nickis invite)!
Hansen's Genes is a remarkable family put together by our sound man (Bill) from our big sponsor - Axe Music. Awesome!
Last but not least - a very special local celebrity that was not on the list but we were stoked that that he stopped by. Dancing Dan (or 178 street guy). We know Daniel, and were quite surprised that he agreed to jump on the stage. Danny is not exactly comfortable with dancing outside his comfort zone (literally outside....), but this year he did it! In 08, he came out to say hi, but was too shy to dance. This go, my daughter and son-in law hopped up there with him and shook what their mama gave 'em. I must have given her a LOT cause there is little left for me (hence the classes.....).
Well. think I've get em all (I hope!). I could easily fill 2 full days of entertainment, as this seems to be a popular area of our event.
Thank you to all entertainers that gave of their time and shared their talents!!
Next post - headshaving!
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