Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I am a day behind, so I will talk about 2 things.
First off, I was kidnapped by an interesting mix of peeps (that I did not realize knew each other). Good old Facebook. I was taken hostage dropping Kyrsti off for hip hop. They (mostly karate peeps) surrounded my van in the parking lot with the bankrobber - bandana get up, held at gun ap point downloaded on Mels iphone. Kyrsti and Nicki accomplices to Gina's scheme.
The rules were for 2 hours - no discussion of work, no pink attire, no work hoodie, and no checking of emails or texts. It was WONDERFUL being kidnapped, much like my first wedding. Problem with that one then was they brought me back (ba da bum!).
My next topic is hip hop. Along with karate, this has become my most recent interest. I started in September and I suck and will for a long time. I am gonna endure the feeling of embarrassment as over time I know the big L on my forehead will fade and I will be good. I have the build - no bust, choppy thighs and a hiding 6 pack. Likely not as good as Kyrsti and not half as good as Asha (my teacher). Asha is also the best morning anchor that CITY TV has ever known - she's like a ray of sunshine every morning, and definitely in class!
I have white girl syndrome, BUT put a pink bear around me and I have moves. Kali Bear took a class last week to practice for his debut at the Massacure at 4:00. Kyrsti had to peel the bear off me, my tall Marge Simpson hair stuck to my face. Between spending time in the bear and using my hot lap top on my lap I am convinced I may have stumbled onto the best weight loss program ever. All I have to do now is cut out the 1/ 4 cup of cream and honey I consume in 5 green teas per day.
Our school will be dancing at the event. I am a chicken something so thats why I chose the bear. Along with our school we will have Jonek (amazing interactive hip hop) and Third Street Beat (3SB) - INCREDIBLE, Kent Wong magic and the rest is musical talent. 12 hours of headshaving, 12 hours of entertainment.
I'm gonna cut er' short here and get some shut eye (with my nightly dose of visine and Preparation H). Apply prior to and after a crappy sleep. Good night folks! One more day (gulp).

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