Monday, November 23, 2009

Two more schools

Hi folks, today Meagan (my oldest daughter) and I presented plaques and said our thank yous to 2 schools (Neil M Ross and J.J. nearing). Both outstanding schools. Fred came along for the first one and was his typical "outside self" (that means when he leaves the house he is a good boy). Megs played the Kali Bear. Wow.... what can I say, she is one amazing bear!!
Hi-5's for an estimated 800 children this day, but no worries... Kali puts sanitizer on his paws.
My oldest and youngest (Kali) are very much alike - quiet, well mannered, never disruptive...
Put a bear around them and inhibitions exit their personalities.
I marvel at the popularity of our mascots. The squeals of excitement are heartwarming to say the least. I think this must be my favourite part of this event, the enthusiasm within the schools.
Tomorrow will be thanking and presenting to Leo Nickerson school. The total raised between these 3 schools this year was 110,000. Phenomenal.
Will touch base tomorrow.

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