Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Here we go....

Hair Massacure has officially kicked off for its planning for 2011.

In my last blog, I wrote about various plaguing health issues that interrupted
my ability to perform "normally" (that would be Tammy's normal, not normal normal).
Still working on those, but with fingers crossed I am happy to announce that I am finally off the couch. After tying up my ankles with my blackbelt and hanging from the banister, leg pulling sessions (with kids taking shifts), I was able to relieve my back and am walking around again, so far pain free.
Still fatigued, but determination has stepped in. Its full on Massacure season, no time to think about uncooperative body parts. I've decided that my herbalists pride can go on the shelf (along with the coyote ear and eye of newt) and the colourful pretty spread of pharmaceuticals on my counter will have to be tolerated.
So...... as of Sept 1, HM suddenly became very busy with planning for 2011.
Video is nearly done with last minute tweaking - Kyrsti and I pooled our efforts this summer, working with thousands of photos to implement with our chosen song which will be attached to an interview with our fam, and 2 others affected by childhood critical illness.
Really hoping to expand the event into Northern Alberta, reach more schools, hockey teams, work places.
I also hope is to get more day to day support during the nuts months (Dec-March), so that management of the event will be a bit easier.
Nicki will be back with me this year, however if she calls me OLD one more time....

All seems to be coming together, with the glitches, worries and chaos.


  1. What date will the Edmonton event be for 2011?

  2. February 11 2011 is what I was told, hope that helps. So looks like we need to start getting organized!
