Saturday, October 23, 2010

Loosing battles

I am dedicating this post to a 2 year old girl who is loosing her battle with cancer. Let me correct that statement... is no longer responding to conventional treatment.
I believe in miracles (as I've witnessed a few myself), and so I withhold this belief until proven otherwise. This is the doctor's theory - "loosing her battle", so this was the opening line Ive chosen to prove a point - the fat lady hasn't sung.
This troubles me in so many ways and on so many levels.
My first point, Ive said it a hundred times.... children of this age need to worry about superficial things like "where did I put Elmo", or "why am in the time out chair", and "why do I HAVE to eat vegetables". Certainly not "what does dying mean, what does it feel like and why am I doing it?". I'm sick about it.
Secondly, Taylors story has been televised and is all over Facebook. This is very good to educate the public about a tragic situation of this nature (I get it, as Kali's story has been splattered too for the last 9 years). The not-so-good part is the other Taylors out there (and believe me, there are quite a number of them) who will slip away quietly with no prayers, no gifts, no wishes, and no recognition for their short life.
It makes me sad for the other children who have had no support system, not even parents that had the courage to stick with them to the end, holding their fragile frightened little bodies. Instead they ditched and let the nurses and fellow cancer parents witness the last breaths of their childs life. I'm gonna step out on a limb here and shout out "Shame on them!".
Any parent that ditches their child to nurse their own weaknesses, fears, addictions, inadequacies and freedoms needs to experience karma ten fold, and is no friend of mine.
I applaud Taylors parents, family, and friends for scrambling to make things better for her. This warms my heart.
Taylor has touched many hearts, and will receive many prayers (including ours). While we pray for her, we must also pray for the others.
Last... how many times do we have to say this - I hate cancer! Won't you just go away already?
I am very proud to announce that this year the lab we are funding at Stollery is including Paediatric Leukaemia. Yay! I have regular contact with the wonderful Dr. Baksh, and will have opportunity to take out planning committee to the lab and see his work. We HAVE to make this go away.
Last night we buried my uncle. Cancer. :( He was a remarkable man. About every 3 seconds we are burying someones uncle, aunt, mom, gramma, father, brother, friend, child.....
I just dont understand the injustice of why good people, children, are made to suffer while others who disregard life may escape crippling pain and circumstance.
I'm sad and I'm frustrated.
As I mentioned about miracles, I hope there is one for Taylor.
I hope there is one for every child who's life is in jeopardy - whether it be cancer, neglect, organ transplant, diabetes, abuse, and so forth.
We need to try to save them.... all of them.
Please check out this great blog for Taylor

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. I Loved your post! You have an amazing knack for getting points across! Thank you for sharing and expressing your support. I DO wish there were more we could do for other children as well. Nobody deserves this. Nobody.
