Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ronald McDonald House

I'm most pleased to announce the recent inclusion of Ronald McDonald House as a recipient of our proceeds for 2011.
Hair Massacure's mandate is "Supporting Children with Life Threatening Illnesses". RMH is a perfect fit as 80% of its guests are childhood cancer patients. Following that, organ transplant, and a lengthy list of afflictions that place children at risk who need a place to stay while in treatment.
8 Years ago, my niece was born premature (runs in the fam) and my sister who lives out of town was invited to stay there. It was my first introduction to this facility. My impression was "wow", because it was so much more than accommodations - it was a warm, inviting environment that encourages families to unite, connect and support each other.
Speaking from experience, I fully appreciate how costly dealing with a sick child is. I can't imagine leaving my home, my town, to put my child through treatment. The house does a fantastic job of supporting families through this process. I'm most excited to start working with them, as well as meeting the new families that come through.
900 families came through last year in Edmonton. Thankfully we have a Red Deer Massacure too, as we have a new RMH going up there as well.
In January / February, please proudly purchase paper Kali Bears at McDonalds restaurants. Each 1$ bear will go to support the house, and this adds up. Our hope is to help raise 100,000 for both houses without impacting regular funding for Stollery (our lab) and Make-A-Wish Northern Alberta.
We grow, we help more. This is what is all about folks.

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