Todays post is long overdue as I am dedicating it to one particular group headed up by one man 3 years ago. His name is Paul Liimatainen and he is a senior boiler maker at the Keephills 3 Construction Site and has been in this occupation for over 30 years.
I met Paul in 07 when he shared his story with Kali and I.
You see, at a glance Paul may be perceived as intimidating due to his size, but engage in a conversation with him and his inner warmth is detected rather quickly. He is a soft spoken man with a gentleness about him that I believe was key to his recruitment of colleagues on the job site.
In 2007 Paul was intrigued by a couple pink heads walking the mall, followed by a poster of the Massacure. Kali in treatment and Gordon would have been the visual on this poster. Looking into this further Paul learned the details behind the pink hair and became inspired as this was quite different to a walk, bike ride, or a traditional means of fundraising. This was discussed with his family, one little grandaughter in particular who couldn't wrap her head around the idea that "grandpa" was going pink and chose not to believe his plan. It was through a lost bet that she realized he was serious. Paul told her that IF he saw his plan through, she would have to rub grandpas feet. I can only imagine her little face when grandpa showed up for dinner with pink hair....
Paul was the only one that year at Keephills with pink hair, but I'll tell you that he left his mark - $12,000 later! He had full support from co-workers Kinda Mueller and Diane Shaw who jumped right in and helped him with his project (including selling tickets to a luncheon and a silent aution). Kali and I were invited that first year to share in the chilli lunch and meet some of his supporters. Kali was gifted with a pink hoodie and a pink hard hat, as well as a tour of the site. I think Paul had a soft spot for her. Kali felt like a queen and I was quite surprised that my shy girl was quite comfortable around Paul.
The following year Paul's leadership and the organization of Linda and Dianne spilled over to more pink heads and a total of $48,000 was raised. Keephills 3 (K3 For the Kids was their team), and was proudly embroidered on toques that were made with our logo. I understand that the idea of selling 2000 donuts with pink icing may not be repeated due to the melting goopy icing that ended up everywhere, but again the lunch tickets and silent auction was another success. The approval of Dave Conlin, Dave Wruck and Aaron Marlatt from Capital Power (EPCOR) made this possible, with their blessing to hold these campaigns on site. (I had the privelage of meeting the 2 Daves today along with this years participants).
This year, 28 Keephills construction workers participated in their Massacure with the implementation of a sweet new idea - the "Pink Hard Hat" campaign. I have spoke briefly about this is a prior blog, but I will happily review this because its brilliant and fun and I believe this is gonna catch on like wild fire!
Paul and Linda brainstormed this, so kudos to them - $100.00 donation provides the participant with a pink hard hat for the month, a neat way to spread awareness, and a $100.00 tax receipt (because they are borrowing it for the month). If they wish to keep the hat, it will cost them another $100.00 to participate the following year. I love it! Underneath the pink hat, they are encouraged to sport their pink hair, but it is not mandatory.
When this catches on, I will ensure that the creators of the idea are recognized as I believe that it's important for folks to understand the history behind every success.
I feel that this will create a new demographic, much like our schools and hockey teams. This is a unique and fun way for construction workers to get involved as a team. A healthy challenge between groups just adds a bit more flavour through competition.
In early January I invited Paul on Breakfast television (City TV) for our kick off pinking event at Marvel College. He was interviewed by Bridget Ryan (our wonderful host who has been with us for 7 years). This is where he took opportunity to thank his supporters and issue a challenge to all construction workers. I marvelled at this "teddy bear" grandpa who has dedicated 3 years (and a LOT of effort I might add) to a cause so close to his heart.
K3 For the Kids held their own Massacure on the site on Feb 12, as was ours - but I was happy to see that a bald Paul had made the effort later that evening to swing by WEM and check out our event.
This year the efforts from K3 resulted in just over 74,000.00!! Again, thank you ladies for helping the big guy by organizing, inspiring and brain storming.
Kali and I were in the room with these 28 people today enjoying a lunch. It was mind boggling that this kind of money was generated by such a small number of people. Among the participants was a cancer dad that shared his story. His little guy is near the completion of an almost 4 year Leukaemia treatment plan (similar to Kali's but nearly a year longer). Everyone in the room was "involved" in the cause, their hearts and intentions pure. Later at a Stewarts meeting, we learned that it was also at their level that the word was spread - Huge....
Paul spoke for a bit - his glassy eyes reflected his commitment. I believe I heard him say that he would like to put together a group of 100 for next year..... all I thought was "does this man ever stop?". His vision is commendable and his children and grandchildren are very lucky to have him.
I believe he will do this, even if the group is separated. Paul just has that way about him - his leadership and genuine love for children that will continue to inspire.
To all those at K3, our heartfelt thank you for your support and efforts towards the Hair Massacure. Thank you for seeing us through our growing pains with our website and receipting, this really means a lot.
Thank you for your ongoing invitations for Kali and I to visit. We look forward to our next return visit with plaque in hand!
WOW!! This is awesome! Way to go K3 For The Kids!!!! These stories are very inspirational!!!