Friday, March 19, 2010

I'm back....

Hi folks, been a while since my last post. Haven't been well and brain needed a rest.
I am hoping to not repeat an unhealthy pattern of being catatonic for months after, watching repeats of House with a bib around my neck to catch the drool.
I am forcing this blog (meaning it's me writing without my upstairs support system that I typically rely on). I put it that way because I often throw together a blog without a second thought (after a long overwhelming day of whatever) and before I know it, I've documented something.
So..... (I've now sat here for 25 minutes, on my couch, laptop (chubby wiener dog underneath), one of the kids snuggled against me and tv in the background)..... arrrgggghhhhh!!
OK! Here it is..... as I alluded to -
It's been a relatively slow week (production wise). Been sick with a cold / flu (everyone except the immuno- suppressed one). Took my eye of newt, Vit C, oil Oregano, freeze dried flying squirrel poo (according to my acupuncturist) and STILL I leaked. I haven't been sick with a cold in years (finally got that under control), and so it was humbling to say the least.
Since Kali's battle, we learned as a family to NOT get sick. Just wasnt an option as a simple cold or flu could have taken or severely threatened her life. Half was a mindset (kinda like Ellen calling you at home, inviting you on her show complete with perks- what is the likelyhood of getting sick?), the other half was my knowledge at Hogwarts and my ability to chase the children to a headlock with some herbal concoction that worked.
I guess, its the same thing. I am not allowed to get sick for the pre event stuff or God forbid Feb 12th.... so I guess it was ok to let it go to stick kleenex twizzlers up my nose.

Onward.... today I felt better.
I met with my friend Deborah from Stollery (whom I used to fight with continually) and the head of Paediatrics at the Aberhart (where Tammy was late because I got lost in the parking lot....).
We discussed paediatric research, cutting edge stuff that would revolutionize where research is heading from here. Yay - finally!
I am stoked about what Hair Massacure funds at Stollery and truly proud to be a part of that.
Folks what I learned today is a more wholistic approach meaning that studies will now include more factors than just cells in a petrie dish. It involves case studies of real patients, history of a patient, genetics, living conditions, diet, exposures.... and standardized systems that encourage collaboration. Did I mention that our head researcher has pinked and shaved 2 years in a row AND his entire research team (pinked) came out to assist with his shave? So cool....
Not ALL researchers are dry.
Anyhow my point is that I love knowing that we are making a difference. It felt great today walking out of that meeting. Also felt great to enjoy breakfast with my daughter Megs, later to tour some of our participating salons to pop in and say thank you! Was a good day.

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