Monday, November 8, 2010

Taylor Dance Party

This post is a couple of days late, but life is spinning fast again and Im doing my best to keep up.

My girls and I had the privilege of attending little Taylors dance on Saturday, thanks to the invite of our mutual friend Natasha who is Taylors daycare provider.
It was a wonderful collaborative effort of friends and family that each brought something to the table and the result was a magical little celebration that brought a charismatic little girl onto the dance floor... and to the slurpee machine, popcorn machine, jumpy castle, candy floss machine, McDonalds, Christies cupcakes, Natasha / Tamara face painting, toy table and a walk with the mini winnies (get to that in a bit).

Ive been to a LOT of celebrations, but I have to say this one was especially heartwarming in that many of the guests were children (also daycare kids of Natasha), and fellow Taylor peeps.
This child lit the room when she entered the Mayfield School gym with her parents.
It is obvious why Natasha chose a dance party, as Taylor busted into moves on the dancefloor.
The DJ had a very appropriate selection of songs that warm the blood, some crowd pleasing "cheesy" stuff that no one admits to loving like the Bird Dance and YMCA.
Kali Bear came out too, and by the end of the day was sopping wet (from busting moves too).
3 kids - Kyrsti and Kali - (old hats at playing the Bear) and Hannah Banana (new to the Bear) all did a remarkable job of bringing him to LIFE.

No need for me to repeat all of the details as they are in the family blog

I remember when Kali was 2 and had finished her first month of induction, people in Cardiff had thrown her a dance. She was just loosing her hair and was very bloated beyond recognition. It was a fundraiser, and we sure needed it!

Landon (Taylors Dad) spoke to me briefly about how overwhelmed he felt from the outstanding support.
He could not get his head around "why their daughter receive all of this from folks that barely knew her, to attract media, to reach so many people?".
I sat there absorbing the entire conversation as I drifted back 10 years, feeling the same thing and asking the same questions.
The only answer I could come up with was "Divine Intervention" - it will all make sense in 10 years. Plus... she really is incredibly cute and charismatic... and special.

I really enjoyed being invited to be a part of contributing to the dance. It remains as karma for me, and giving back in this capacity is food for the soul.
Looking at Taylors "Wish List" I recalled years back when these nice people from Morinville wished to do something nice for a Wish family (us).
Kali LOVED horses (still does) and the surprise for her was a day with the Mini Whinnies (teeny tiny horses - so small you can put one in the backseat of your car). Get this - they even pull tiny carts. I had a feeling the Holte family would jump at the chance to do this again.

A call was made, and after several negotiations of plans - the horses came to the party to visit Taylor. An adult to pull the cart (for a guest to ride) and a baby that was very vocal and whinnied the entire time. Squishable kind of cute. In tow, a big ol English Sheepdog.

Taylor was not too keen on riding IN the cart, she's strikes me as the kind of kid thats into LEADING the horse. This spoke volumes to me. Now I understand why this child has defied all odds and has continue to thrive. She "owns", you can just see it and one cannot help but marvel at her spirit.
I speak for my close peeps, it was definitely easier to keep busy at the dance than to think too much about the reason for it.
At one point when the family was leaving, this child reached out to my friend Christie for a kiss. Christie know's Taylor - so I get it. But then she reached out to me. Not sure why, but I was honoured she did.
I cant describe the type of melt I felt, all I can say is that I urgently had to find some chairs to put away and areas to clean.
On the way home, reflection was beyond exhausting but enriching at the same time. I could only imagine how the family was feeling after - only times 100.
The parents (Mindy and Landon) are young and you could assume they have been parenting for years. Very impressive, and such positive influences for their young daughter. Compared to the deadbeats Ive seen over the years on the ward, it was VERY refreshing and admirable.
Times have not changed, I would assume this couple has seen the same kind of thing all of us "involved" parents have.
On a more positive note... it was a great time with great friends. Jaime over fed us again, but hey, I would not expect anything less from her. Christie, Jaime, Natasha - when we get together, what can I say - its productive, and entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. claire o'shaughnessyNovember 9, 2010 at 8:19 AM

    Awesome message Tammy, always too close for comfort, but i love to hear your inspirations and heartfelt blogs!!
