Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Visit with an angel

Today FRED and I spent at time at Stollery foundation, reconnecting with staff, nice coffee with our CEO and follow up with Brandi and Nicki (who are working on many levels of wrap up including data entry, documenting, debriefing, and recognition).

The staff at the foundation LOVE the pink beast. He was a good boy as usual, although inching his way back to that embarrassing habit of "self soothing" he acquired 2 years ago.
We'll have to work on that.

Fred was thirsty when we arrived and had a bit of a tickle in his throat causing him to cough.
Anyone who has heard a big dog "cough" knows that distinctive glack - yack that would make one scramble for paper towels. Its almost too gross to be human, but today it was assumed that a human (staff member) pulled that off. An easy assumption when FRED is tucked away in a cubicle, with few privy to his presence. Sometimes gross really does have its place, as it makes for great stories.

Nicki babysat the beast while I connected with a few, namely my friend Kim across the street at the U of A.
In a recent post, I shared sad news about our remarkable karate friend who was diagnosed with Leukaemia back in January.
I only had 35 minutes to spend with my friend, and the worlds slowest elevators stole 15 of that - my rationed 20 minutes needed to be 2 hours. It was incredibly wonderful to see her.

I don't know how to articulate the impact she made on me today.
All I can come up with that makes any sense is that I had a visit with an angel.

Kim sat on the edge of her bed - obvious signs of treatment, her eyes grabbing mine as they reflected a high spirited enlightenment.
Kims mother was taken from her at age 12 - cancer. I would imagine this is her worst fear as she too is a mother.
Her state of mind and spirit not common for a person who has recently been educated that she has a resilient type of cancer.
I sat in awe as I immersed myself in her reaction to the cards she had been dealt.
She has chosen "not".
She is not a victim... and furthermore she does not have cancer.
She is a catalyst, and was chosen to be the catalyst for change or someone else's enlightenment.

Can you imagine if everyone held this belief and did not waiver from their faith?

Kim, you are my inspiration. Even though you may again crush my thighs with those infamous roundhouses, I still revere you as an earth angel.

Thank you for the lesson. I needed that.

When I arrived home this aft, I received a text from Kim and hubby Steve - Kim was delivered the news shortly after I left and was packing to come home. Tonight she will be welcomed by her family, her home and her familiar bed.

Kim is in remission.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sitting here at work with tears running down my cheeks.

    They're happy tears and sad tears - all at the same time.

    I was so shocked when I heard of Kim's diagnosis and immediately my mind went to the very worst place.

    What a fool I was! I should have known that this woman, with this indcredible spirit, would find a way to triumph over this horrible disease.

    Your description here is the epitome of Kim - always thinking on the positive side - always looking for the plus among all the minuses.

    Thank you, Tammy, for reminding me that my friend is so amazing.
