Thursday, July 15, 2010

summer update

Today's post is meant to break up the series of the last 4, and offer something lighter.
it's 4:00 am..... I'm still up. Good time to write a blog.
Earlier this evening I visited with one of my favourite funny cousins who is now pregnant. Our plan was to go to Cheesecake Cafe and scarf down some serious calories.
I thought it would be fun to pick her up in my daughters car (a firebird). Perhaps should have thought that through.... or, nah........
Watching a very pregnant lady try to squeeeeeze herself into a low car like that was way too much fun. I was no help, it was so cute to watch and I will definitely do this again (perhaps with a towel on the seat, just in case).
Anyhow... ordered "decaf" with my traditional choice - Calebeut sundae (which I will add was my one effective perk during Kalis treatment).
I am kinda wussy when it comes to alcohol and caffeine. Doesn't take much to affect me. No coffee for this chic after 5:00 pm. Thought it might be safe to have decaf....why I never learn is beyond me. So here I am.....

As Ive mentioned earlier, summer is a weird season for me.
By far, my fav in so many ways, particularly as it represents freedom. The kids are off from school, and Massacure is resting.....this means Tammy is resting.
This is a necessary thing because my adrenal glands are spent, stress levels through the roof (they call this event exhaustion). I need this time to quiet my brain and body so I can be on my game for September when I begin seriously preparing for the next event. So, why am I off during the summer (going back to my "weird" comment)? Is it a guilt thing? I AM born and raised Catholic...
All I want to do is curl up with the girls and watch old episodes of Golden Girls, drink copious amouts of tea all rigged up with catheter. Thats what I imagine doing, however could not last too long as I get bored easily.
I picked up our 75 new plaques today will be sorting them and distributing them, also working on the 2011 promo video (which I do every summer). I've sorted through about 5,000 pics, cropped / enhanced some, selected my favs and dropped them into promo. This is very time consuming as I take this opportunity to study faces so I can recognize some of our many volunteers and participants. Thank God for our awesome photographers that come out to volunteer their time (Romy, Chantelle, Doreen, Claudine, Lynn, ) this combined with Nicki's, Kyrsti's, and my own (I take nearly 1,000 myself that day on the run).
I also cleaned out my billboard (my van known as MassaCAR). After I vacuumed all of the Kali Bear fur, and scrubbed the pink stains away on the seats and headrests, it looked pretty sweet. So much for my "non" shedding dogs..... I still use a lint brush.
I will be meeting with Gloria Meldrum (G Squared / Little Warriors) next week to go over marketing ideas. Need a bit of an improved plan for next year.

Tomorrow is Kalis check up in 4E2 at Stollery. It's that dreaded ?? over our heads and recalling various parents that took their child for their check up and didn't go home (relapse). I'm sure she will be fine. At any rate, we will visit our friend Rayne who is now back due to complications.
Keep you posted on how THAT goes.....

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