Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I’mmmmm baaaaaaaack! And already in full force again! We’ve already started getting sponsors, stuffing pledge packages, and I have my first (of this year) school presentation with Tammy on Friday. It’s go time!

The topic of this post is that I just wanted to talk about big things. I have joined another fundraising group – for when (if) I have spare time – and they are on such a different scale then Massacure is. I found it hard to sit still during the meeting when other members were talking about their biggest fundraisers raising minimal amounts – in compared to what Massacure brings in.

Yes, things start out small, as did Massacure, and grown into their own to either stay stagnant or to become a huge million dollar event that is going to keep growing. I think it really depends on the people involved that decide which of the two will happen. Yes, the people in this other group are hard working, organized, and passionate but do they have the touch of crazy that we have? Do they have the drive to get bigger? Do they have the chance to see the smile on a little child’s face? I don’t think so, and this is where I think we rose where others have fallen. Truthfully, I think it’s mostly the little bit of crazy.

I can not say how thankful I am personally, and I know others are too, that Massacure has pulled in some wonderful people that truly believe in what we are doing and in helping us to their fullest extent. Never mind the one person who helps one year, and the next they’ve pulled in twenty of their closest friends and family to help the cause (it’s the crazy, people!)

You should all be happy to know that I contained myself enough that I did NOT stand up and volunteer us all to help them, because not only do I see, every year, what a difference our team makes, but I know that all of you would help if I did.

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