Monday, November 22, 2010


Nicki ended the last blog with a feel good, make you smile moment. HM has many days like this, BUT like a marriage, its not all sunshine and roses.
Sometimes the clouds and the pricks come out.
I have had a week of those days, which is why I have not posted, nor do I have a funny story .... other than the mouse that has taken residence in my van and has created a driving hazard. And here I've been working so hard at battling distraction....
I wont go into detail about sharing a claimed granola bar with mousy, nor will I try to explain how or why that happened.

So here it is.
My heart has again sunk to the pit of my stomach. I call it politics.
Its not easy to run a fundraising event. I'm not a game player, I do take things personally.

Without elaborating, let me just say that in 9 years of fundraising, the majority of those years did involve politics and this troubles me to an unhealthy level.
I could NEVER be a candidate for Survivor, I won't even watch the show.

Let me clarify... politics can exist within any union of 3 or more people, simplistic or on the corporate scale.
Humans beings that land at the top (or place themselves there) are likely susceptible to addiction of power - and that involves hidden agendas, corruption, dishonesty, distorted vision, lack of empathy, and ignorance.
This exists everywhere.
Its in our churches and schools, anywhere that involves hierarchy.
The ones at the top make all decisions affecting the little ones like us on the bottom, yet where is communication between these two? Does it exist? So how does that work? I LOVE the show

Just so I'm clear... this is a blog about "the daily accounts of a family run event".

More importantly MY blog. It reflects my thoughts, feelings and experiences.
As long as we live in a "free" country, I will have a voice.

Its not within me to sugar coat things, my mother did not raise me this way.
The truth is that some days are a challenge, other days are overwhelming, others make you laugh till you cry, and then reflect. Perhaps next week will be insightful, or a gong show?
This week I rate as very harsh.
Nicki and I are also incredible busy with pressing deadlines, so with that perhaps my reserves for dealing with crap are diminishing.

We just want to help some kids, and offer others an opportunity to do the same.

I go back to my recent blog mentioning my high regard for Jimmy Pattison.
In his 80's, owner of 130 companies, he still works.
More importantly, he is involved, interested in ground level operations which ultimately affect upper management.
He is hope that his examples may touch another, potentially breeding synergy within corporations.
With Jimmy in mind, I am unconcerned that the persons responsible for my topic today will read this and try to hold me accountable because It's unconventional to reveal the truth.
Hold yourselves accountable I say.
Besides, why would my little old blog be of interest anyways? Perhaps out of duty, their assistants may discover, translate and relay a condensed version into something "lacking".

Sometimes you gotta stir the pot. I admire those that stir, not for kicks - for purpose of a greater good.

When I think about a million dollars, I take note of the little Johnnies and Suzies out there going door to door with mittens on, asking for pledges for HM that make up the greater part of our grand total.

I will leave my blog on that note. Remembering the fundamentals, remembering how empires
were built, and honouring the humble productivity that was bred there.

1 comment:

  1. Tammy, I couldn't agree more! There is nothing more disheartening than people that don't stand up for what they believe in, and just watch their vision change into something it was never intended to be. Good for you for standing up for what you believe in, and I quite enjoy stirring the pot when it is what is required to ensure what is right, stays right! I hope things get better for you in the coming weeks! It truly is an amazing cause!

    Mindy (and Landon & Taylor)
