For anyone who is new to the Massacure, you may not know these two. I'd like to introduce you!
Nadine is my dear friend who came to us in 2003. She is the very first head we sheared for the St.Valentine's Day Hair Massacre! If you read my last post - I indicated that she was cleaverly worked on by co-worker Gordon to shave. I believe she has done this (shaved) now 6 times!
Nadine was our right hand man from day 1 when she kindly offered her services to help out with admin, volunteers, money counting, and follow up.
Eventually my friend came to her senses (ignore that Nicki) and needed to tend to her own responsibilities placed on the back burner for years. She says one day she plans to visit me in the same nice place where we found that neat jacket for her that ties up in the back, she's already picked out a nice room for me. Kidding of course..... I can pick out my own room.
Nadine knows this event like the back of her hand, and I cant imagine what Gord and I would have done without her all those years. Working with her as closely as I did was a wonderful experience and I think she's made from really great stuff.
In 2006, Nadine dragged her sister Weazie to help us out at the event and we have kept her ever since. I had a chip installed in her forearm to ensure that she cannot get away like her sister did..... (joking Dino).
Weazie (Louise) is an "experience" much like my friend Mel. God certainly broke the mold on that one. I am certain that she has single handedly increased our popularity! She too has shaved 4 times.
Put these sisters together and this spells trouble. Nadine is the younger one, but out of necessity has assigned herself to keep Weazie in check as she is a little unpredictable and one never knows what she's going to do next. Lets just say inhibitions did not get on the list when God put Weazie together. This is whats so fun about her, although I'm not quite sure which is funnier - Nadine with hand to forehead in disbelief or Weazie.
Weazie and I had the pleasure of developing the personality of Kali Bear 3 years ago. Our kick off with his character was at RUSH and Oil Kings games when we would take turns inside the mascot. Because we think the same, it was all too easy, and before we knew it, the bear was in trouble for "bad behaviour". He kept getting invited back, so we think his crowd pleasing personality bought him some points. He managed to hold his own with the fights he started (with other mascots), creeping into changerooms and the brush with death with the Zamboni.
I could go on and on about shirt removals to Johnny Reid and Emerson Drive, Boobie shows at Spasation, boobie talk with sponsors, assisting cats in heat at Mels Hair Salon and the pure and simple animation that just follows Weazie everywhere. Nadine, bless her for hanging in there.
If you are coming to the event, be sure to check out both Mel and Weazie - Nadine will be the one on the side looking the opposite direction.
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