Thursday, March 25, 2010

School Talent Show

Today was a talent show at the girls school. I was one of those annoying parents in the front row, big ol camera, cant sit still like a normal person and kinda loud. Yep, you know the type. Thats me.
I have not learned to be inconspicuous in an audience.
I have this obsession with pictures and my camera, and yes my kids sometimes find this annoying, but whatever....
I should have been a photographer, and when I eventually grow up, I plan to be. For now I am the annoying "wanna be" who lacks professional courtesy towards others where picture taking is concerned. I have no qualms about hip checking granny out of the way for a good shot.
The way I see it, it's memories and for me the visual side of the memory is more precious than anything one could ever own (other than your own children). If I am ever asked to take pictures for someone (as I did today) or have opportunity to just do so, I do and enjoy that.
So.... here I am, dissatisfied with the best seat in the house in the front row. I'm the twit moving around in front of the stage like a paparazzi striving for the best shot of my daughter dancing with our teacher and good friend Asha. It's a little ironic considering I would go through such effort to get "the shot" when I have my SLR camera set on "dummy" mode.

I wonder where Kyrsti received her level of talent. When I was a kid, I was an overweight nerd who struggled at everything. It's wonderful to see she did not inherit that gene from me.
I could never possibly have had anything to display at a talent show growing up (except eating quickly), I think the kids likely would have thrown tomatoes at me anyways. I admire the kids that found courage to show off their stuff today. I have dance competition next month and am starting to develop unruly butterflies, actually big fat hairy moths... perhaps a dry heave if I think about it long enough.
I think I kinda look like "Baby" in the early stages of Dirty Dancing.
Last year I did a karate demo at the school with Kyrsti at the talent show. I performed a san chin test (where she stands still whilst I beat on her). It was fun, but I don't think the crowd sensed "fun". You know that awkward kind of quiet... I guess you had to understand the style to appreciate our demo. "Hair Massacure Mom Beats minor - looking smug". Probably not our best choice, so I'm glad she picked dance this year. More crowd pleasing I suppose.
Back to the fact that I was proud, and it looked really good and her partner is an amazing teacher.
To all you Primeau kids who performed today - way to go!!

1 comment:

  1. i think they performed very well :) hard to select which one did much better :)
