Thursday, November 26, 2009


Today, I am not going to bore you (and myself) with a lengthy list of the medial tasks that Nicki and I dealt with in the last two days. Blah.
I will, however share that we had some help last night with a few of our dedicated captains over coffee (thanks guys). Refining our system and working out the bugs can be tedious and make one develop a twitch. better to twitch with friends. I absolutely love our Team Massacure (this consists of some dedicated stylists and volunteers who meet with me throughout the year offering ideas and feedback). These people have developed into close friends and I would be lost without them.
Each one has taken ownership of a piece of this event. It's lodged deeply in their hearts, and all of them are quite comfortable to tell me to walk into the traffic.
Onto the highlight of my day. My girls both received and presented awards today at their school. "Ace Award" (for great attitude) went to Kyrsti and Kali. Our Hair Massacure plaque went to the school (presented by my girls). I sat proudly to the side with my camera beaming with pride. Kyrsti is the school president, so public speaking is very natural for her. We all know that she will be taking over once I am committed. Miss Kali on the other hand is slightly quieter.... Today it spoke and I didn't have to bribe with a Tim Hortons Breakfast Sandwhich. Not only did she say thank you but she grew some ba - -s (courage) and asked them to support us again. Later tonight I taught karate class and it made noise again. If this is puberty, it's going to be interesting.
Not sure how I got off topic, but I recommend to get used to it cause I will do this often.
With that I will sign off. Have a good one!

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